It's Time!
It has been a long time coming. In fact, it has been years in the making since I first wanted to work in the catalog mail-order business. Yes, that's right, mail order. I wanted to start a business in Canada for a retailer to store and ship product in Canada for Canadians. That didn't work out and I spent the last (we won't say how many) years in financial services. I moved to the US so this business starts here but I have visions of taking it to Canada one day to fulfil that old dream.
All these years later I finally get to bring my interests into this wonderful business - ecommerce, pets and operations. I haven't "worked" a day since leaving my job and focusing on this adventure as I love every minute of it. But enough about that!
Then Tails and Tweed was born (can I say that for a website?).
The journey so far has been exhilarating, scary, and seen a few bumps and setbacks along the way. I am sure there are still many challenges ahead, but I am looking forward to the journey and greatly appreciate all of the support I have received from family and friends. I also want to thank all of the people who I worked with, and worked for, over the years who taught me so much which gives me the confidence to take this forward, starting small but planning big.
Here we go...